Monday, February 6, 2012


Why do we hold onto something that is impossible?
I don't have an answer.
Just the questions.
Quite simply: I don't know
Guess you don't either.  
I don't even have the simplest of reasons that could explain away why.
Yes, make no mistake, I know how I feel.
(or do I?)
I know though, that here is no acting out, an opportunity (could never/would never arise).
We are lost – distant,
changes have been made through the years.
Choices and decisions put into place.
We have followed our life paths.
And here we are, yet again. And yet again I am tormented.
I don't know what this is for you (all)
I don't know what this is for me.
Really though, is there a purpose?
If there is one, why am I blind to it?
Why can I not see the meaning of these crossed paths?
My guides are quiet, perhaps whispering among themselves.
I am torn.
I wish to know why I hold on.
I wish to know why you do.
I wish to know why we all do
more than that: I NEED TO KNOW.
Because really, are we grasping at straws?
Afraid to lose – yet again?
Yet I am empty.
A shell.
For I know that this particular void where you should be,
shall probably never be filled.
Talking with you over this distance, over these miles – 


This is for everyone who has ever lost someone over time or distance.

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