Friday, February 8, 2013

Emerald Green

And with the fading of the sunlight,
She beheld him,
A wondrous creature.
His presence, his beauty, his darkness.
A shadow, he must be, a trick of the light, fading,
and she unable to focus on any one feature of his face -
but knowing he was beautiful, even though she could not see...
and then his eyes shone brightly in the darkening light of the day -
Shone preternaturally, luminous, the most beautiful emerald green she had ever seen.
They seemed unearthly, out of place, as though hovering,
Were they eyes at all? But their gaze held fast to her -
and then his presence was gone!
And the mountain air shifted around her, and she felt as though she had just awakened from the deepest slumber,
Yet she knew she had not slept.
The pressure in the air seemed heavy, as it had before...
before the man appeared. The man? Was it a man at all?
She could tell no such thing, she could say only that a dark figure
appeared before her eyes, and then seemingly just vanished.
Her mind ran rampant: What did I see? Was there really someone there?
Was it a man? Did I imagine it? Should I PANIC?

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