Dear Johnny,
Rejection is not something that I
handle well -
So rather than risk the possibility -
I just don't allow myself to be put in
the situation at all.
If you held my hand – that was fine -
I was always afraid to take yours.
Every day when your face goes through
my mind a million and one times,
I find myself going a little more mad
(we all know I'm already mad)
A little more crazy – as I try to
make sense of what's happening to me –
what I’m doing, and what I’ve
I regret nothing, except for my
bitterness, my anger towards you. The stupid arguments we had, and
the nasty things I said about you.
You know, just as much as I do – that
I never meant any of those things that I said about you or “us”.
And I so deeply wish time and time
again that you had accepted my apology – imagine how different
things would be between us now.
But then again, maybe in a strange way,
it's a good thing, because if it hadn't been for our “fall-out”,
then I would probably not have brought
myself around to doing this.
Usually when I deal with people in
life, I am straight forward, and I tell them exactly what I think
(that they should go to hell) – but when I write something like
this –
when I take the time to do this – you
have to realize that it means something more than just a few words on
a piece of paper.
So what more can I say except:
I’m sorry for the person I was -
and the things I said and did.
I’m sorry for being so cold – so
unfeeling, if I had given myself a split second to think twice about
it – I know I would have been different.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
But after a lot of soul searching –
now I know the answer.
And with what I’m about to say,
I’m opening myself up –
myself to be vulnerable in a certain sense,
but there's only one person who can
take advantage -
let the choice be theirs!
I was trying to do something:
I was trying to cure someone else's
I was trying to erase someone else's
memories -
but no matter how much I tried – I
Nothing within myself was good enough.
I felt that I couldn't measure up to my
usual standards of helping others -
I COULDN'T HELP YOU!! I let you down.
When you spoke to me about memories
from the past – things about your past relationships, things that I
know hurt you, I wanted to soothe you,
try to make you feel better – but I
I could only sit there, listening to
you, and watching you,
feeling your pain,
your anger – and I just felt there
was nothing that I could do.
How would you have reacted, then, if I
had gotten up and given you a hug, or taken your hand to hold?
To my imagination, you more than likely
would have rejected me, told me to get lost -
and that was not a risk that I could
So, of all the strange things that I
had to do, this was yet the strangest:
I faced you – and when I did so -
I felt as though I faced myself.
I saw you, and all your anger and all
your pain -
and I saw the way that you openly
expressed yourself
and at the same time,
as I watched you – I watched myself.
The only difference was that I could
never show my true feelings that way -
what pain I keep, is kept inside.
You wondered why I never smiled,
why I was always unhappy.
Well, after a while I had to ask myself
these questions:
Why when I’m around you do I feel so
Why did I feel that I wasn't good
You were so quick to judge me – that
you never gave me a chance to show you who I was beneath the bitch.
You know, I would have in time. You
just never gave me the chance.
You had to listen to what everyone else
said about me first.
I guess that made me angry.
No – not angry, it made me think if
that was what you expected – well that's what I’d give you.
I know it wasn't right.
So allow me to go back to the
Why did I never smile?
Why was I so unhappy?
Because I felt so inadequate?
Because I felt I was NOT GOOD ENOUGH?
I kept asking myself these questions.
And so, my conclusion is that only YOU
have the answers.
So – in the end, what you do with
this letter is your choice –
all I ask is that you read it and
If you change your mind – leave a
message with Matthew (Berry) –
or call me on this no: 011 613 6303.
Love Georgia.
* Do you know what the funny thing is?
I still want to take away your pain.
Note: This was a letter I wrote to Johnny Leonard Du Preez sometime during the week of 06 Jan 1997 and 12 Jan 1997. I am not 100% certain that I sent it, but I do have a memory of sending him some sort of a letter. Perhaps it was this one.
Perhaps not. Either way, he'll get it now...
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