Thursday, March 9, 2017


The subject of Forgiveness came up this morning for me...
While I was having a conversation with God.
I thought I should blog my thoughts and here they are...

As a Soul - we forgive readily and easily, but perhaps as Souls we only connect with the Souls of others... and in Soul we are pure, therefore perhaps nothing to forgive.
But as Human Beings, that make mistakes and are not perfect and perhaps even hurt other's UNINTENTIONALLY,
Can we really and truly forgive those:
Who KNOWING that we are (were) already in pain and suffering deeply, cause us more pain and suffering? Who go out to INFLICT INTENTIONAL destruction? Hoping to cause maximum harm, stemming from bitterness or anger, or even their own pain? That it might temporarily bring them to a place of satisfaction in knowing what they did has hurt so deeply? And to feel NO remorse for their actions? That the people they hurt had really meant THEM no harm, in fact wanted only to see them happy...
I believe we CAN forgive, we DO forgive. However often times we do it for US - Ourselves.
Because the truth is that they may not even believe that they did you wrong or harm, or even feel bad about what they did.
But in order for us to have peace WITHIN ourselves, we must FORGIVE THEM. But more importantly, we must forgive ourselves, for allowing OURSELVES to hold onto whatever pain they caused us.
Once we realise that forgiveness is about the "Self", and Self respect and true Self "Love", (as God intended us to Love ourselves as we were created in His Image) - we can then move on, and move forward, releasing all the pain, bitterness, anger and all that caused harm.

This is when we realise the importance of BOUNDARIES.

Once you have your emotional boundaries in place - it becomes easy to allow people who hurt you back into your life. However this does not mean that they may repeat what they did.
It means that you will never allow them the opportunity to get as close to you as they were before, so that they may try to repeat their actions, because now - Thanks to the lesson they taught you, (The purpose of the harm they tried to inflict) You now know that you are stronger and you would NEVER tolerate it again.

It is said: The best apology is changed behaviour.
And TRUST is earned - NOT GIVEN.
Just some food for thought...