Saturday, March 9, 2013


It's been a haunting time.
A haunting distance.
With every fluid moment and movement filled
with visions...
as though blinded...
                                Spell CAST...
Upon Me... but by whom?
My Guides?
Speak that which you wish:
Out loud, into the world.
Leave it there.
                      Leave it to rest.
Repeat your desire often.
Call BACK that which is yours,
                                              THAT WHICH IS MINE.
I shall have nothing LESS and nothing more...
But are there more lessons for me to learn from this?
                           One planned by ME,
                         Unbeknownst to YOU?
How clever I have been.
How cunning.
How I realized my doing.
And yet, I was silent.
                                 Was I not?
But this was truly a heartfelt request,
                                                           Cunning or no.
I am encumbered with this debt
And grateful for it with the depths of my soul.
But be Cautioned:
There are messages within messages...
Layer upon layer...
To everything I do,
Everything I have said.
And I wonder, who are we now?
Is the change great?
Which one, amongst us hides?
Hides Secrets... Afraid to tell?
“All you have to do is ask. The RIGHT Questions.”